E6: Digitizing Fields to maximize Yields: Data & Tech in Agriculture

Show notes

Nowadays, we have a vast array of digital services at our disposal – weather its ordering groceries, checking the weather forecast, refreshing the news or social media to stay up to date on current events, or listening to this very podcast – it's hard to imagine what life would look like without technology in our lives.

Experts say: leveraging digital tools to support food and agricultural transformation offers great potential to transform the food system, work towards the goal of SDG 2 (zero hunger) and put less pressure on our natural environments while conserving more biodiversity. Let’s take a closer look.

In this episode Katie Gallus talks to Neth Daño (ETC Group), Sonja Vermeulen (CGIAR), Meron Sileshi (Lersha) and Paul Zaake (AgriShare Uganda Limited).

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